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Get Ready for Fakuma 2024 - Let’s Talk Elastomers!

We are excited to make our debut as exhitior at FAKUMA 2024! Our Advanced Polymers team will gladly greet you at stand ÜO-04, so make sure to step by during 15-19 October 2024!

As we continue to grow in Europe, this fair represents the perfect one-stop opportunity to meet and discuss projects and challenges with our current European customers. Whether you travel from UK, Sweden, France, Finland, Italy, or any other country, our international team will be awaiting you with a coffee, a smile and our elastomers portfolio on display!

On our website, you can register for a FREE ONE-DAY visitor ticket at Fakuma 2024 with the Bjørn Thorsen code. 

We're looking forward to seeing you in Friedrichshafen soon!

Bjørn Thorsen A/S
Søholm Park 1
2900 Hellerup
Gentofte Kommune
CVR nummer: DK89810418


Mikko Långström
Business Sales Manager
+45 30576566 mol@bjorn-thorsen.com

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