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Fast defect analysis inside the material

ZEISS BOSELLO MAX – the customisable 2D X-ray solution for defect detection

ZEISS BOSELLO MAX delivers high-quality images even under harsh production conditions. The versatile X-ray system features an extendable 360° rotary table and fast analysis software, offers a CT option and allows automatic defect detection.

ZEISS BOSELLO MAX is the customisable 2D X-ray solution for your defect detection needs in the production environment. Our proprietary image processing algorithms and the Computed Tomography enhancement allow the detection and complete analysis of various castings. The reliable 2D X-ray technology ensures sharp results and quality control for a large range of workpieces – even in the toughest conditions.

Further information to be found here.

Carl Zeiss A/S
Bregnerødvej 133A, 1. sal
3460 Birkerød
Rudersdal Kommune
CVR nummer: DK84786217

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